Trip to the United States (May)

We went back to the States in late April and early May.  While we were there we saw our families in Illinois.  Here are some pictures of Gina and I with her Mom and then with her Dad and sister Kathy.
Here we are at the Cubs game with Gina's Mom, Dad and Kathy.  The picure on the right is Gina with my Mom and my Uncle Rich at my Grandpa's 88th birthday.
Here is Granpa getting his cake.  I guess 88 candles were too many to stick on top of the cake so it looks like he only got 6.  I think he should have demanded all 88.  You'll be happy to know he blew them all out on the first try.  On the right are my Grandpa and Grandma later that same night.
Here are Gina and Kathy on the way to the ball game and a picture of PJ who is Gina's cat. PJ lives with Ann.
Here is a picture of Gina with her Grandma and Grandpa Johnson.  We stayed with them for a few nights while we were in Illinois.  They live on a beautiful farm in north central Illinois and Grandma is quite the cook.

We also visited Gina's Grandpa and Grandma Sharp (Gene's parents).  Unfortunately I was slacking off that day and I don't think I took any pictures!  Drat!  Anyway, let it be said that we didn't go hungry at their house.  We had a huge meal and all the food was really great.  I even got a huge bowl of tapioca pudding.  Mmmmmm.  My favorite!   I must apologize to them for not posting any pictures of them on this page.  If I do run across some pictures then I will post them since I know they want to see themselves on the internet.  Or maybe Gene can send us some pictures that I can digitize and then post (hint hint).

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